Where did the droplet's energy go? (The second law of thermodynamics and irreversible phenomena)

Where did the droplet’s energy go? (The second law of thermodynamics and irreversible phenomena)

* In this simulation, the attraction between particles is not considered. Where did the droplet’s energy go? Let’s think about the free fall of a water drop. From a macro perspective, falling water droplets change position … more

Where did the pendulum's energy go? (The second law of thermodynamics and irreversible phenomena)

Where did the pendulum’s energy go? (The second law of thermodynamics and irreversible phenomena)

Where did the pendulum’s energy go? A pendulum that vibrates in the air continues to collide with air molecules in the process of vibrating. Air molecules get their energy from the pendulum. In this process, Air … more

Heat Capacity

Heat Capacity

Heat capacity ‘Heat capacity’ is the amount of heat to raise the temperature of an object by 1℃. The heat capacity of an object is the specific heat of the object multiplied by the object’s mass. … more

Specific Heat

Specific Heat

Specific Heat When you apply the same amount of heat to metal and water of the same mass, the metal temperature change is greater than that of water. This is because the amount of heat required … more