Newton's Cradle

Newton’s Cradle

Newton’s cradle Newton’s cradle consists of five iron balls, each hanging on two threads to prevent the ball from spinning. Originally Newton’s cradle was created to demonstrate Newton’s third law. If you collide a ball from one side, the exact … more

Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Mechanical Energy Conversion 2

Mechanical energy As the roller coaster descends from a high place, the height decreases, and the speed increases, so the potential energy decreases, and the kinetic energy increases. Therefore, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy while the roller coaster … more

AC Power Generator

AC Power Generator

Electromagnetic induction Moving a magnet around a coil changes the magnetic field inside the coil, which causes current to flow through the coil. This phenomenon is called ‘electromagnetic induction’; the current flowing through the coil is ‘induced current.’ The result … more

Where did the droplet's energy go? (The second law of thermodynamics and irreversible phenomena)

Where did the droplet’s energy go? (The second law of thermodynamics and irreversible phenomena)

* In this simulation, the attraction between particles is not considered. Where did the droplet’s energy go? Let’s think about the free fall of a water drop. From a macro perspective, falling water droplets change position over time. In this … more