Hanoi Tower

Hanoi Tower

The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules: Only one disk can be moved at … more

Picking up Stones 2

Picking up Stones 2

Pick up the stones each other. The person who picks up the last one wins the game. However, you can not pick up more than twice the amount of stones your opponent has taken. Pick-up puzzle … more

Picking up Stones

Picking up Stones 1

Pick up the stones each other. The person who picks up the last one is lost the game. You can not pick up more than three at a time. The computer thinks like this: Whenever I … more

정렬(소팅) 게임

Sorting game

How to play Select two cards. The selected card turns red. If you want to exchange the selected card, press the [Switch] button. If you think all the cards are in order, press the [Flip All] … more