Continental Drift (Continental Drift Theory)
Move the continents to create a connected supercontinent (Pangea).
Science Simulations
Move the continents to create a connected supercontinent (Pangea).
Investigation inside the Earth The surest way to see what the Earth is like is to penetrate and see it yourself. However, there is a limit to penetration because the temperature and pressure rise as you … more
About this simulation, When you press the button, you can see the corresponding strata. Combining the layer, you can create a variety of stratum. This simulation is presented as a mathematical model. Actual strata may be … more
Igneous rocks are rocks formed from molten magma. The material is made liquid by the heat inside the Earth’s mantle. Igneous rock occurs in two ways. Slow cooling: Igneous rock formed from magma that has become … more
Formation of Columnar Joint A columnar joint appears as a polyhedral pillar, such as a tetragonal, pentagonal, or hexagonal shape. Its shape depends on the rate at which the lava solidifies. Columnar joints are often mistakenly … more
Inertia When the bus starts suddenly, the body momentarily leans backward. On the other hand, when the bus stops, the body is leaned forward. This is due to the nature of the object to maintain its … more
Epeirogenic movement(Epeirogeny) It is a phenomenon that the crust is slowly rising or sinking over a wide range. The crust rests on a dense mantle and balances forces. Therefore, when the high part of the crust … more