Movement of substances in the nephron
Nephron The kidneys in our body extract urine (waste) from the blood. The kidneys are fist-sized and are located on the left and right behind the waist. The blood vessel that enters the kidney is the … more
Science Simulations
Nephron The kidneys in our body extract urine (waste) from the blood. The kidneys are fist-sized and are located on the left and right behind the waist. The blood vessel that enters the kidney is the … more
About this simulation The length of the red bar shows the vitality. It gradually decreases with time. When the vitality is zero, it naturally dies. The green bars show stamina (nutritional status). If it is short, … more
Reaction time In a conscious response, it takes some time to respond to a stimulus. This is because signals require time to be transmitted and processed. Reaction by vision: stimulus → eye → sensory nerve (optic … more
Iris muscles In the iris, the ‘Iris sphincter muscle’ constricts the pupil, and the ‘Iris dilator muscle’ enlarges the pupil. Both muscles work in reverse, controlling the size of the pupil. Ciliary body connected to the … more
Pulse Blood vessels are elastic. When the heart contracts, the blood vessels dilate; when the heart relaxes, the vessels constrict. Hemoglobin in the blood absorbs particular light. Therefore, when light is applied to human tissue, the … more
Find the task sequence to amplify DNA. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) PCR is a method for repeatedly amplifying a specific gene sequence from a small DNA sample. PCR goes through three basic steps. DNA denaturation Heat … more
Flagellate Hundreds of millions of years ago, light-sensing organelles arose inside the monad. Creatures with ‘photoreceptors’ are able to distinguish day and night and can also avoid harmful ultraviolet light. Flatworm And these photoreceptors have evolved … more
Focusing The light started from the object must have arrived exactly at one point on the retina to see things in detail. On the other hand, if the light from one point of the object is … more
Plants Respiration Animals carry out active breathing movements to obtain the energy they need for life activities. Through this breathing movement, oxygen is absorbed, and carbon dioxide is released. Like animals, plants do respiration. However, plant … more
Cell division Multicellular organisms like humans are made up of cells of varying shapes and functions. Most cells are so small that they can see them only under a microscope because once they reach a certain … more
Respiratory organ To maintain life, we absorb oxygen from the air. And we export carbon dioxide from the body. Human respiratory organs include the nose, organs, bronchi and lungs. Each bronchus in the lung continues to … more